
"Draw the sneakers to me!": A new look for designer shoes

Tired of boring, monotonous shoes? Tired meet in regular Underground "clones"? A couple of famous designers for a long time would cut the family budget. Rejoice! Because now the owner of a bright, comfortable, and most importantly, exclusive shoes and you can get.
 In each of us sleeps designer. And just two iconic brand casual shoes - Vans and Keds - decided to wake him up, inviting on their official websites a unique service: you can now create a perfect match. Shine, of course. This designer shoes at an affordable price, and, most importantly, the designer - you! Monitor all: from the style and color laces up seams and soles. Choose one of the standard models and an intuitive interface make it a unique step.
Of course, designer shoes should attract attention. This may help the original coloring and drawing. Vans and Keds to choose one or more (for different parts) of prints from a variety of workpieces. It should be noted gallery Keds DIY Disney: favorite cartoon characters will now be next to you wherever you go.
Но ведь гораздо интереснее не просто выбрать цвет, а самому в деталях продумать рисунок. Для крайних индивидуалистов Keds предлагают самостоятельно загрузить изображение и размесить его на поверхности будущего обувного шедевра. Витиеватый узор, персонажи комиксов, да хоть фото любимой собаки - вашу фантазию здесь никто не станет ограничивать. Ещё одна фишка – надписи. Просто выберете шрифт, цвет, и содержание, разместите её и наслаждайтесь своей оригинальностью.