
Transportation Monument

Back in 1735, twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the great victory of the Russian army over Swedes at Poltava was a monument to "Samson tearing the lion's mouth. " The author of this work of art made ​​by the sculptor B.-K. Rastrelli. The song itself was plated in the original form. Years passed, sculpture changed from lead to bronze, then Samson disappeared during the German occupation and then was cast in 1947. Samson was so young and handsome he is often gold in the 70's, 90's and 00-ies without dismantling, but here came in 2010, and our "retired" it's time to go is for major repairs. Omit the details of the restoration work and go to the middle of April 2011, when he was in all its glory went to his place of service.

  Customer carriage made ​​Peterhof Museum-Reserve, and the sponsor of the restoration - the Savings Bank (14 million rubles).. Samson weighs 3 tons, and its dimensions in meters to three and a half the height and width of about two meters. Samson carried the day in the center, the task was possible to repeat the trip in 1947, when Samson came back after his loss, only if he was driving without a gold.

 As can be seen in the photo, accompanied by a trawl DPS patrol car, its task was to ensure the unimpeded movement of trains. In addition to DPS, the convoy was a police car and the car AIF, which were a direct online broadcasting, as well as machine maintenance of the company's carrier. Motorcade was traveling at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, without traffic lights.

 I wish to thank the group of companies Largus for the material!